One Great New Product for Two Enormous Markets
At first glance, Mr. Juchniewicz’s invention is a balloon, albeit one with some significant modifications. Yet, the unique balloon is also a toy. More specifically, within the prominent categories of toys, it fits in best under the Games category. After all, the invention is meant to be played in the context of a game – either the multi-player or the solitaire game – both amply described on the Product/Games page of this site.
So, one can think of Mr. Juchniewicz's invention as primarily an enabler of new balloon games, with a potential secondary role as a somewhat unusual party balloon. As such, it stands at the intersection of two enormous markets, games/toys and balloons:
In 2022, according to The NPD Group's U.S. Retail Tracking Services that covers 76% of the U.S. Toys Market, total domestic retail toy sales amounted to $29.2 billion during that year. So, projecting out to the entire market, one arrives at a total market estimate of almost $40 billion.
Drilling down further, we arrive at the Games/Puzzles segment of that U.S. toy market. That segment has expanded significantly in recent years, both in terms of absolute numbers and in terms of the segment’s share of the wider U.S. toy market. Regarding the former, the segment has swelled from $2.2 billion in sales in 2019 to a staggering $3.5 billion in 2022.
The party balloon market does have some bearing on Mr. Juchniewicz’s invention, particularly since, that market has demonstrated an expanding appetite for premium/unusual balloons in recent years. Furthermore, his balloons may be employed in a dual-purpose capacity, both decorative and as a novelty game item.
According to the latest (November of 2021) available estimates, the domestic party balloon market is valued at roughly $705 million One of the main drivers of domestic growth is the steady expansion of the U.S. event planning industry . With growing numbers of professional event planners eager to impress their clients, the number, variety and overall extravagance of balloon displays at events have all continued to flourish. All of this bodes well for the Balloon Party Package.
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